Monday, May 12, 2008

Back In the Saddle Again

Page One:
It would suck to get caught in the middle or the back of this bunch in Sicily, wouldn't it? Just think: You're in that Giro d'Italia pack today, with rain falling, while the peloton is cutting around corners at 30-35 mph in pursuit of a break with 12 miles to go. Think that might have gotten hairy? Ask all of the wounded. Bad day to be an Aussie from CSC, that's for sure.

And to think there was a lot of trepidation over the narrow, shoulder-less roads at the Bull Run Farms RR.

Page Two:
Speaking of which: I got back on the bike in earnest today for the first time since biting it at that bloody downstate race eight days ago. (Caveat: I did in fact ride a few miles, total, over the previous three days, towing my kid on the tagalong, to and from school and the hardware store. But those were short and very slow.)
Today I rode for an hour in the morning, wending my way from Cleveland Heights to downtown via South Euclid; and then about 30 minutes home in the afternoon. Total: About 24 miles, mostly in Zone 1-2, with some Z3 periods -- but generally quite easy.
Two observations:
1) I'm happily pain-free with only this not-insignificant exception: Hard cranking, or the jarring from riding over busted pavement, hurts my left foot and ankle. That foot was unscathed in the wreck, but is now black and blue, because the giant hematoma on my shin bled and the blood drained downward, leaving me with a swollen, sore and occasionally numb foot. I did not use enough RICE over the last week, that's for sure.
2) I was just starting to round into something close to decent shape a couple weeks ago, then had a regrettably short, light training week leading up to the wreck, and virtually nothing since. Today confirmed the predictable: I'm in shitty shape -- again.
So Westlake looks doubtful at best, and certainly futile, for tomorrow.
But hey -- I'm back in the saddle again! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo.
- JN

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